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Lovestream A #LiveLoopOriginal by My Rap Name is Alex using #LoopyProOne final test of the Phoenix Template from Live Loopers before I make it public. The lyrics are from first song from the first BloodThirsty Vegans album. I wrote it a long time ago when the UU Church of Buffalo's choir had me in some kinda mood. |
Jan.08.2024 11:34 pm popularity: 2 run time: 4:45 |
seq#: 2-079 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_ReO_AVSR4w or https://youtu.be/_ReO_AVSR4w | 1 |
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Powerless! A #LiveLoopOriginal by My Rap Name is Alex created in the new Loopy Pro 1.1I wrote this song a couple years before I got into Live Looping. I haven't performed it live very often. There's another YouTube version of it created on an RC505 Loop Station, but this version is closer to the version I always imagined in my head. |
May.12.2023 9:22 am popularity: 3 run time: 4:33 |
seq#: 2-078 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kdcev6me_IA or https://youtu.be/Kdcev6me_IA | 2 |
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Intergalactic Cover [Beastie Boys] DistortoGalactic TrashPlate #LiveLoopCover by My Rap Name is AlexA #LiveLoopCover of Intergalactic by the Beastie Boys. Live continuous performance with vocals mangled in post production and one small edit for length but otherwise one continuous performance created on my ipad with Loopy Pro and Koala Sampler. |
Nov.04.2022 5:39 pm popularity: 4 run time: 4:52 |
seq#: 2-077 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=XUQ-IwCxczQ or https://youtu.be/XUQ-IwCxczQ | 3 |
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Gonzo's Trumpet - Track #10 of 10. Created in Loopy Pro. Very Purple.A quirky, trippy, trumpety, fun-time tune that I created accidentally while I was trying to learn Loopy Pro. It's very purple. |
May.10.2022 11:50 am popularity: 2 run time: 4:00 |
seq#: 2-076 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1IbUnr_ExBE or https://youtu.be/1IbUnr_ExBE | 4 |
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Live bits & Beats - MyRapNameIsAlex | Live Looping and Live Hip Hop Band performances (2007 - 2020)All original and often improvised music merged with carefully crafted words about Peace & Love & Tolerance & Justice. Run time: 1 hour 10 minutes. Live bits & Beats: Video Version. |
Sep.08.2021 5:55 pm popularity: 2 run time: 01:09:22 |
seq#: 2-075 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ppg6wGSuSUI or https://youtu.be/ppg6wGSuSUI | 5 |
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She Bit Me #LiveLoopCover of a DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince songComedy rap was hit or miss for me but DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince had me in Halloween stitches with this one. As a kid I used to listen to this on repeat and giggle myself silly. |
Oct.28.2020 4:19 pm popularity: 3 run time: 4:46 |
seq#: 2-074 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=4KA9KNJi3fk or https://youtu.be/4KA9KNJi3fk | 6 |
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Going to Go Back There Some Day | #LiveLoopCover of the Muppets by My Rap Name is AlexMuch is made of the song 'The Rainbow Connection' from the Muppet Movie. It's a great song. But I've always thought the true hidden gem was Gonzo the Great's 'I'm Going to Go Back There Someday.' Sometimes you absolutely love a song as a child and you still love it just as much as an adult. |
Sep.28.2020 10:00 am popularity: 2 run time: 6:01 |
seq#: 2-073 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ORDbZ04rTb0 or https://youtu.be/ORDbZ04rTb0 | 7 |
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When We Win [Live Loop Original] by My Rap Name is AlexWhen we win, what we win is a lot less stress / you clean a lot less if you don't make a mess / ah yes. But it's not like all chaos ends / just the healing begins and we'll all have new friends |
Jun.08.2020 11:00 am popularity: 3 run time: 4:13 |
seq#: 2-072 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6zSJcrHIrtU or https://youtu.be/6zSJcrHIrtU | 8 |
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Direct From the Source [Live Loop Original] by My Rap Name is AlexMy Rap Name is Alex and I create music with no prerecorded loops. I touch screens and things and create the music live on the spot and then rap about peace and love and tolerance and justice. |
May.01.2020 12:00 am popularity: 2 run time: 5:33 |
seq#: 2-071 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=nviFBjTzAUo or https://youtu.be/nviFBjTzAUo | 9 |
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LoveLove. An original song by My Rap Name is Alex with improvised live loop music. Dancing by Sophia and Aya. |
Dec.01.2019 9:00 am popularity: 3 run time: 5:35 |
seq#: 2-070 | link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=W_8gJNlP5Vw or https://youtu.be/W_8gJNlP5Vw | 10 |
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A total of 79 videos found.
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